It’s been five years since we first made the decision to form Team Bev. As a friend of cancer patient, I had no idea what we could do to support her. My dear friend Bev had just been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. She was fighting her way through chemo.
While we couldn’t help Bev through that process, we could help to raise awareness for the cause. That’s where we found the Colorado Ovarian Cancer Alliance and their annual Jodi’s Race for Awareness 5K.
Our mighty team has walked and run this race ever since, and this past Saturday Team Bev convened stronger than ever… mightier than most… and dressed as superheroes for the 5K.
After 2 years dressed in tutus (and that fact that other teams had adopted our flair last year), we wanted to do something different this year… and Bev had a great idea!
Not only did she design these fabulous t-shirts with a Batman-style splatter and Team Bev in the center, but she also made a TON of teal capes for the team!
With 50 caped runners/walkers out there, Team Bev stood out to say the least! Bev made the teal capes, and several of us offered to make our own. For some reason, I thought a gold cape was the bees knee’s, which I paired with a Wonder Woman crown!
As in other years, the race for us is a time for friends and family to get together. For us to chat and catch up on plans for the summer…
Another thing happened on Saturday: I walked my first 5K since my car accident in September. I was a little nervous to do it (to be perfectly honest) but it went well. Far from a record time and definitely a little sore in my lower back the next day, I did it! And for that, I was incredibly happy!
I also had my girl Tiffany to keep me company from start to finish! Great to catch up with this chick!
Lots to celebrate on Saturday and the biggest of all is that my friend Bev kicked Ovarian Cancer’s butt 5 years ago… and that she continues to be strong and healthy!
Team Bev… I can’t wait to see you out there again next year!
To see other Team Bev – Jodi’s Race Posts from Years’ Past:
Jodi’s Race for Awareness 2013