Fitbloggin is 150% about the people you meet at this jam-packed three days of fitness and wellness event. As a result, I think it’s only appropriate to include a post about the fabulous people I’ve met!
Now, I couldn’t possibly share with you guys every single person that I met while in Savannah. There’s just not enough room in the blogosphere for me to gush that much. Instead, I’m sharing a brief list of people with you that I’d recommend you check out. People that inspire me, people that bring amazing energy into my space, and people who radiate joy. Yep, those are my people. Without further ado… here’s a few of them.
Ashley – Fierce Forward
I met this amazing woman last year at Fitsocial and through the magic of the internet, we’ve become friends. Her Facebook community and blog is called Fierce Forward, and it’s all about moving FIERCELY in the direction of your dreams…
I absolutely loved having a chance to visit with Ashley, to get to know her better, and to observe the impact she had upon others she met. She’s one of my soul sisters… follow her here.
Oh, and PS… she’s the creator of those fabulous intention bracelets I’m always wearing. GORGEOUS products. Check them out here.
Alyssa – Double Chin Diary
Alyssa and I met last year at Fitbloggin during a session where I totally burst into ugly tears… and we’ve been bonded since!
She also was the grand prize winner of the California Avocado Commission’s Recipe contest at Fitbloggin and the other half of what we called “The Avocado Room!” After spending the three nights as roomies, I totally adore her even more! Follow her story at the Double Chin Diary.
Monica – Run Bang Run
And, then… there’s Monica. Oh, how I love this lady.
Photo Credit: Carrie D. Photography
Monica and I refer to each other as “life twins” because, seriously, we have a ridiculously similar and parallel journey. We’ve both lost about the same amount of weight and have been working to navigate the “after” life.
While it wasn’t NEARLY enough time, it was SO great to have a chance to spend time with her “in real life” and to get photobombed by so many of our Fitbloggin friends… smooches, y’all!
Dawn – Fit Dawn
And, then… there’s Dawn.
Her journey to lose weight is one that inspires me incredibly, because it’s so much more complicated than mine. Dawn has two gorgeous baby girls that are constantly craving momma time… and she still makes time for workouts and to take care of herself. If Dawn can do it, I totally can.
True story: Dawn lives two blocks from my brother in Virginia. So, I know I’ll be seeing her pretty face again in December…
Jessica – Racing to Zen
Jessica came up to me at the badge making session to say hello and introduce herself. And, to talk about my yellow dress… she had seen me post it on Instagram the week before. One of the first people at met at Fitbloggin, it reminded me of how connected we all are before we even walk in the door… the power of social media. 🙂
I seriously can’t say enough awesome things about this lady. We had an opportunity to have dinner twice during Fitbloggin, and she’s from Ohio not too far from where my family lives… so, lots in common. She writes her story over at Racing to Zen. Check her out, folks!! Love this one….
Lynne – The First Pancake
And then there’s Lynne. I met Lynne through Dawn… another Virginia lady that I hope to see over the holidays.
Lynne is a new yoga instructor working on gaining her first job as an instructor. I cannot WAIT to hear all about her journey to inspire others through my favorite practice. We talked our way through the Fitbloggin 5K on Sunday! So glad to have had a chance to get to know her!
Lynne… I wasn’t kidding, I’m totally taking one of your classes over the holidays… xoxo
Alan – Sweating it Off
I finally had a chance to get a selfie with Alan this year… three years later! Alan has been mentioned as the “Justin Beiber” of Fitbloggin in another recap I read this week, but I’m not sure that’s a solid nickname for this powerhouse. He’s incredibly inspiring, driven, and he’s a freakin’ triathlete. Beibs couldn’t handle all that… So great to see you, Alan!
Lauren – Breathe Deeply and Smile
Lauren and I also got to spend quite a bit of time together during evenings at Fitbloggin, including our ghost tour! Her story and passion for fitness is incredibly moving. I am so glad we had a chance to meet, lady!!
There really were SO MANY OTHERS… Here’s a collage of many other lovely people I got to meet. And, I am so sad that I didn’t get more pics of the rest of you guys!
Legitimately, Fitbloggin is a lifechanger… and as mentioned above all about the people. Thanks to each and every one for taking the time to chat it up with NTTC this weekend…
Thank you for making this experience so incredible, folks!!! xoxo