It’s officially the holidays for this girl!
And, by the time you are reading this post, I’m hoping that it actually feels like it too!
Working for a company with a strong retail presence, the holidays are noticeable, as we have holiday posters, bows, and Christmas music in every store, but there’s no slowing down like I’ve experienced with other companies.
In my past, everything sort of wound down…. instead we power through as it’s our busiest time of year! The energy in our stores is fantastic and the team is so motivated… it’s contagious!
But somewhere in the hustle and bustle of it all, it just doesn’t feel like Christmas, even though we are ONLY 4 days away! It really doesn’t feel like the end of the world either. Since I’m typing now and you’re reading this, I think we are all safe!
This morning, I’m heading to the airport (literally as this message posts!) to catch at bright and early flight to DC. Here’s the best part though: Not only do I get to see these guys….
But I also get to play with THESE Guys….
AND… I get to see these gals!
I hope you guys know who these ladies are. They are truly some of my favorite bloggers, who I had the amazing opportunity to meet a few months back at Fitbloggin.
Ashley helped to coordinate our gathering (Thanks, Ash!), Hilary is picking me up from the airport (Thanks, Hil!), and Dawn just happens to live in the same town as my brother and is driving me to his house after lunch (Thanks, Dawn!) And, Lauren is just bringing her fabulous self to the party… and hopefully coming to see me in Colorado VERY soon!
I’ll write more about our meetup later, but in the meantime I encourage you to hit up these blogs if you haven’t already. Each has an amazing (and dynamically different) story to tell, and each inspires me every single day.
It’s time for me to turn off my portable electronic devices by now… have a fantastic day, my dears! And, let the holidays begin!!!
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