I’ve been in Virginia for about 24 hours now, and it’s been awesome visiting with the family. Especially with these little Guys.
We’ve spent some time in the kitchen cooking.
I’ve even spotted some tree-shaped BUTTER! What the heck?! (Only at Beth’s…)
We went to get manicures and pedicures.
We even spent some time out on the trampoline jumping around.
And, that’s just the first 24 hours with them. I can’t wait to enjoy more fun with these little ones over the next few days. I am so thankful that I got to come to Virginia to see them this week. I can’t even imagine missing Christmas with them!
Because it’s Christmas Eve and because I’m here in Virginia, I decided to do a special post interviewing Hailey and Hayden…
I spoke with their mother (AKA their agent) before writing up my questions and I was able to get an EXCLUSIVE interview with H&H for the holiday season. ENJOY!
What is your favorite Christmas Carol?
Hayden: “Jingle Bells?… wait, no, I’d say ‘Deck the Halls” actually.” Then, he proceeds to sing the first few bars of the song… and then says “Wait, I forgot the words. I need my song book.” After he grabs his “song book,” he then sang all three verses. ADORABLE.
Hailey: The Twelve Days of Christmas.
What is your favorite Christmas food?
Hayden: “Candy Canes, and I ate some this week!”
Hailey: “That’s a tough one… I’d say, Christmas cookies. The Christmas tree ones that my mom makes!”
Which one of Santa’s reindeer is your favorite?
Hayden: “Dancer… because he dances. Get it? DANCE-ER?”
Hailey: “Prancer. I just really like his name, and also he’s first…”
What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Both kids were unanimous on this one… and chose opening presents.
What are you hoping is under the tree this year for you most?
Hayden: Instead of saying what he wanted most, Hayden picked up the present that he’s most interested in opening. Apparently he has had his eye on this present for a while…
Hailey: “My own pair of roller blades”
What’s the craziest thing that Jimmy (their Elf on the Shelf) has done?
Hayden: “Last year, I found him in the bathroom on the toilet! And the water was GREEN!”
Hailey: “One day, he ate five pieces of candy, and then the next day… he was sick! We found him with a bottle of Pepto Bismal and with a note that he was calling in sick for the day.”
Hailey and Hayden actually answered my questionnaire before they saw the shenanigans Jimmy pulled last night! I wonder if they would pick this dry erase prank as their favorite instead…
After sharing my personal “favorite” part of the holiday season (these little Guys), I wish each of you the most wonderful holiday. I’m going to sign off NTTC for the next few days to enjoy time with my family, but will be back to you later in the week for some fantastic post-holiday recipes that will get you back on track and ready for an amazing new year.