I finally faced the scale today… and have great news to report!
Hmmm… I kind of expected bells to ring and parades to be taking place in town, but instead I celebrated quietly. I bantered with encouraging friends via BBM who were eagerly awaiting the results, excitedly shared a phone call with my fellow JC’er/sis-in-law Beth, and I wore a perma-smile ALL DAY LONG. That’s how I celebrated, and I also added two more rewards. 🙂
I know that some of you MUST be fans of the Biggest Loser. I can’t believe that I’m the only one out there who gets wildly motivated by watching the cast members lose amazing amounts of weight. Well, this season, I just LOVED the ladies who competed. Sisters and Purple Team Members Hannah Curlee and Olivia Ward were my faves, particularly Hannah.
Even though she wasn’t the Biggest Loser, I just related a lot to her story as a single girl from Nashville who had a significant amount of weight to lose. Well, she wore a necklace to EVERY weigh in that I just loved. Anyone else see it?
Through the magic of the internet, I found the necklace at Zoe Chicco Jewelry‘s website. I wanted it to be my ONEderland necklace, and so it is. A reminder to me that I never want to see that TWO again, and a beautiful piece to be proud to wear as a result of my accomplishment. One larger circle to represent where I was, and the smaller one to represent where I am and where I will be in the future – SMALLER.
I debuted my necklace today, and I love it. 🙂
Shame on me for rewarding myself with food…. but I decided to have a small cup of Golden Spoon frozen yogurt (4 oz) to celebrate as well. A reasonable snack that could be incorporated into my diet, I’ve only ONCE gone into the yogurt shop since it popped up about 8 months ago next to my usual grocery store. HUGE WILLPOWER, right?
Well, I had a 4 oz. Cake Batter Fat Free Yogurt, and it was yummy and refreshing. I don’t crave it or need it tomorrow, but I just kind of wanted it today. So, I did it!
THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT THROUGH THIS PROCESS! I can’t even tell you how encouraging your comments have been.
Note: This process has been much easier than I thought it would be 57 lbs ago. If you don’t think you can do it and/or doubt you’ll make it far enough, be determined and WANT it. That’s all I’ve done, the secret to my success. I promise I don’t even wear a cape. 🙂
Alright, let’s go after that last 33.8 lbs now!
xoxo – Kelly
[…] I’ve blogged a few times about my adoration for Hannah Curlee and Olivia Ward from season 11 of Biggest Loser. LOOOOOOVE those ladies. They’re so fabulous and inspire so many. How could you not just adore them?? […]