I’ve got a ton going on right now… and to be honest, my weight loss journey isn’t at the forefront right now. It’s still there and it’s still important, but it’s not my primary concern in this moment in time.
Right now, I’m more focused upon getting acquainted in my new job, getting everything done for the holidays, and making sure that I’m also scheduling in some “me time.”
Now, I’m not willing to let everything I’ve accomplished go to the way side…. but, I’m being realistic about what I can accomplish right now and trying to celebrate the little victories I’ve achieved along the way. Here’s a few that I’m pretty darn proud about.
Making Good Choices when Dining Out
With the holidays come holiday gatherings… I feel like I’m getting tons of invitations to get together with friends these days. While the idea of dining out with my favorite people sounds amazing, it’s also pretty indulgent. This weekend was the perfect example: I had a holiday friends get-together on Saturday night and a Birthday brunch on Sunday.
While the stress of the holidays often makes me want to order the burger and fries, I made a smart choice of a grilled pear salad on Saturday night. And, I was truly excited about the choice I made at brunch on Sunday.
While I was eyeing the creme brûlée french toast (OMG!), this salad at Ophelia’s was the perfect alternative: Roasted chicken, kale, red quinoa, grilled avocado, dates, radishes, and a little bacon. Uh-mazing! I left off the egg and goat cheese to attempt to lighten it up a little…
My dining out meals could have COMPLETELY pushed me off track, but I didn’t let it. With each small victory, I feel like I’m doing something good for myself… even if I’m celebrating with friends!
Packing up the Goodies
The holiday season is one of few times of year that I bake. Me + tasty cookies are not a good combination. First I have one, and then I have another… and then…
I made these tasty cookies for my grandpa’s birthday last weekend. While I admittedly had a few, I didn’t have too many! I packed up the ones that needed to be sent to my gramps, and I wrapped up the others and gave them to my sweet neighbors across the way who helped me with some packages while I was traveling a few weeks back.
Getting the temptations out of the house always serve me well, and taking fast action help me from spiraling out of control! Stop by tomorrow to see the recipe for these cookies, by the way. They’re incredible and a must-have for the holiday season!
Committing to Jenny Craig When I’m Not Being Festive
When things get hectic, I can’t always be counted on to make good decisions when meal planning. Stress eating can enter the picture, and next thing you know, I’m driving thru or making a decision that doesn’t match my healthy living goals.
So… when in doubt, I lean on Jenny Craig. I’ve been on this program for years, and the ease of pulling dinner together is one of my favorite things about it. Rather than taking time to prepare a full meal, I can have a tasty dinner ready to go in about five minutes.
While I love to volumize my Jenny Craig meals and transform them into magnificent creations, I’ve been keeping things simple for now, eating the dishes as they come. Thankfully, they are delicious either way… and have really kept me on track for the past few weeks.
I also keep it simple when it comes to snacks and veggies. I’ve got cut veggies in my fridge and canned veggies in my pantry (like these Del Monte Roasted Garlic Green Beans – – have you tried them?)
I’m so glad I have this program to fall back on during this hectic season. I don’t know what I would do otherwise. Another tiny victory during the holidays…
Enjoying the Season’s Decorations
I took the time to put up my tree, wreath, and add a few other holiday touches to my home this year. Since I’m working from home now, I figured I’d have more time to enjoy them… which makes them even more worth it. And, I’m a little obsessed with this tree. So cute!
Realistically, it will be January before we know it. Things will be back to normal, and we’ll all be back on our regular schedule.
What tiny victories are you celebrating these days?
Disclaimer: I receive a program discount from Jenny Craig; however, all of the opinions and comments about the program are exclusively my own and do not necessarily represent that of the brand.