Yesterday, I had a great day full of healthy eating. The kind of day you post about, write about, that you are sure to post social media. And, I’m so proud!!
Why am I proud? Because it can be REALLY hard to eat well. Many professionals say your diet makes up about 85% of your weight loss strategy. To be successful, I firmly believe you have to focus on what goes in your mouth, which our world of Food Network and Pinterest and loving to cook can be difficult!
We all have our own stressors, and mine have been testing me over the past few weeks. When intense pressure comes my way, I tend to lean in. I address them head on… and throw my energy toward tackling whatever’s ahead of me. What happens though is that often leads to less energy reserved for skipping that second helping of dinner… or driving past that froyo shop.
I posted a few weeks back that I’m working on achieving some serious goals by the time I turn 39 in January… and, I’m still going after it. While I’m behind on my progress, I’m trying my best not to sweat it.
Instead, I’m pushing that reset button. And, if needed, I’m pushing it again!!
I have a funny feeling that if you’re here reading this, you likely visit my site because I talk about what’s really going on. While I love to paint a pretty picture and show success stories like anyone else, I also know that the reality is that I push that button all the time.
I also try to keep things in perspective. I know that it takes an extra 3500 calories to gain a pound. 3500 calories: that’s a lot. One slip up and one challenging day won’t lead to an extra ten pounds just like that. If I go over my calorie limit by 200, it would take 17 days like that for me to gain a pound (strictly mathematically speaking!) And, it is VERY rare for me to have a day where I completely blow it out of the water.
So, rather than freak out, I simple press that reset button again the next meal or the next day and get right back on track. Truthfully, the days I consider most successful usually have another detail associated with them rather than just calorie counting. I love a day where I drink a ton of water and when I get a lot of fresh fruits and veggies in (like yesterday!)
I’m not saying to lessen your intensity in what you’re trying to accomplish… instead I’m reminding you that you have a chance to start over at any point in time. And, if there’s comfort in knowing that I’m starting over most every single day, you’re amongst friends.
How often are you hitting that reset button?