In honor of the Jenny Craig Simple Inspirations contest news I shared earlier, I thought today would be the perfect day to share this fun new volumizing recipe… especially considering all the fun I had coming up with the idea.
Yes, I giggled at the name when I thought of it… and knew I had to make it. I loved the pun of the name, and the idea of throwing in all my favorite GREEN veggies into the Jenny fettuccine to pump up this long-time favorite dish. The result was a HUGE serving of fettu-green-e, certain to satisfy even the hungriest of Jenny Craig members… enjoy!
Chicken Fettu-GREEN-e
Serves 1
1 package Jenny Craig Chicken Fettuccine
2 cups fresh spinach
1/2 cup green beans, roasted or steamed
1/2 cup broccoli, roasted or steamed
1/2 cup brussels sprouts, roasted or steamed
2 Tbsp. diced onion
1 tsp. minced garlic
1 Tbsp. Balsamic glaze
basil leaves, cut into chiffonade
crushed red pepper
cooking spray
1. Cook your fettuccine according to the package instructions in the microwave.
2. In a non-stick skillet prepared with cooking spray, saute onions and garlic for 2-3 minutes until softened. Add spinach and cook until wilted, stirring often.
3. Add brussels sprouts, green beans, and broccoli. Note: I had just roasted a big batch of veggies, so all of mine were roasted.
4. Add fettuccine, and stir to combine. Shake with a few crushed red pepper flakes for a little spice.
5. Place in a bowl, and drizzle with balsamic glaze. Top with basil leaves and enjoy!
Looking for other ideas for how to volumize the Jenny Craig Chicken Fettuccine?
Click on the images below for a few yummy ideas…