My weekend was INCREDIBLY BUSY. The kind of weekend where you blink, and you missed it. And, I even took an extra day off…
Because who really wants to work on her birthday?
Not this girl!
Friday morning, I woke up without an alarm (best birthday gift ever!) and had a light agenda planned for how I wanted to spend the day of my birth.
First and foremost, I jumped on the scale to see how my week had gone. I felt pretty good about the week, and the scale confirmed with with a -1.3 lb weight loss – – Happy Birthday to Me!!!
After giving my scale a hug… I got ready for the day’s events! I scheduled time to get a super-relaxing massage and facial with my very favorite aesthetician Sam. (Note to my Denver peeps: If you are looking for a masseuse, she is AMAZING and one of the most lovely people I know.)
The massage was JUST what the doctor ordered. My job changed as of the first of the year, and I’ve been carrying a lot of stress in my back and on my mind. This 90-minute disconnect is just what the doctor ordered.
After the massage, the only thing on my agenda was to go home and get ready for my birthday dinner. I always choose Indian food on my birthday because it’s just so amazing!
I’ve decided it JUST might be my favorite cuisine because each bite has so much amazing flavor. I’ve you never tried it… you seriously should! My friend Tiffany was game to join me and ended up being a huge fan of the flavors.
My second birthday celebration was Saturday night at a little Asian restaurant close by. I always feel great about the food at this place because I can get a steamed chicken and vegetable dish which to me is completely guilt-free. I pair it with a side of kung pao sauce… and it is amazing!
The night took an awkward turn when the waiter brought out the dessert, and (yes) serenaded me in a very LOUD voice, insisting on holding my hand during, and then kissing me on the head afterward.
Oh geez… I felt like I had a sombrero on my head at La Siesta in college. So awkward… but a nice gesture.
Sunday had another lovely outing, where I got to meet up with some local bloggers! Tiffany, Jess, Lauren, and I met at True Foods Kitchen to enjoy their healthy cuisine, and it didn’t disappoint (nor did the conversation!)
This was actually our first outing with Jess from Operation Skinny Jeans who was so nice to join us girls for a quick lunch. She is a fabulous lady on an amazing weight loss journey. It was so nice to meet her after “knowing” her for so long on Instagram.
During lunch I had my first “Johnny Cakes” made with quinoa, and I LOVED these. They were made with quinoa and were AWESOME. Lauren was right when she said I would figure out a way to make these at home… it’s just a matter of time!
My main course was just ok… I ordered the Inside Out Quinoa Burger and it just had a weird flavor to it. I really didn’t eat much of it, but saved room to order (wait for it)… the Flourless Chocolate Cake. I die for this flourless chocolate cake and thank goodness my light lunch and three lunch buddies supported this dessert decision.
It was incredible!!!
And, with that… the weekend was mostly over. At least the fun part of it. Back to work, back to the grind, and, my goodness… back to the gym! I want to make sure all my dining out doesn’t erase that 1.3 lbs I lost this week!
BTW… I haven’t forgotten my promise of a Birthday Giveaway… it’s coming this week!
How was your weekend? Have you ever been serenaded to at a restaurant?
[…] Even on Sunday, I had a quinoa burger at True Foods Kitchen. […]