I think there’s a lot of us who weigh-in on Saturdays. It just seems like Twitter is a-buzz on Saturdays with weigh-ins… and I love that I’m a little further West than most of the other folks.
When I wake up, I get a little sneak peek at everyone’s week…. and then get to add into the fun when I hit the scale.
We’re down again, FOLKS! Apparently, I’m back on my old cycle that I was rocking a few weeks back. Just the same, a W is a W!
This Week’s Weight Loss: – 0.4 lbs
Total Weight Loss: – 83.6 lbs
A few things that I thought were worthy of mention this week….
1. I maintained that HUGE 3.2 lbs that I lost last week. Thank goodness! While I knew those were legit pounds lost, it’s nice to know that they’re still GONE.
2. After such a big loss, I kind of figured this week would be lower. I’m not sweating it.
3. This is my last weigh-in for TWO weeks!
What??? No weighing in for two weeks??
I’ll be on vacation for ten days, missing two weigh-ins during that time! Does that mean it’s going to be a food free-for-all? No way!
Even on vacation, I feel like I need to be conscious of what I’m eating… afterall, I bought a few new little things to take to Fitbloggin at the end of this trip. They do need to fit! 🙂
My first stop is Nashville, and Angela and I have already made plans for healthy eating while I’m in town… plus a little splurge at my very favorite restaurant in all of Nashville that is closing its doors. Rumba is an amazing Satay Bar and Grill that has been my go-to for YEARS. Their delicious mojitos and tasty tapas have been my favorite treats during Nashville trips. Sadly, this will be my last visit EVER. If you live in Nashville and have never been, GO to Rumba before the end of the month. It’s amazing.
I’ll work my way east next, with a stop to visit my family in Virginia. Last week brought a shake-up to my time in Virginia, my favorite sister-in-law Beth is having some MAJOR back complications (out of nowhere) and has been bed-ridden for almost a week now. That being said, I will be playing super-mom when I am in Virginia and plan to help out by cooking meals for the family… HEALTHY meals. Having input on the menu and how much butter/oil is being added to a dish will be my secret to success that week.
I still can’t believe Beth is in so much back pain. She has several different physicians involved, but continues to be plagued by debilitating pain. Hoping she might have regained a little mobility by the time I arrive next week, but it’s been a tough road so far. Send some positive thoughts and prayers her way, if you have a moment. She needs it this week…
Then, I’m off to Fitbloggin! Now, the menu looks pretty healthy… in that uber-healthy way. That being said, I firmly believe I’ll be consuming a LOT of Subway in Baltimore next week. My picky palate only allows a certain level of healthy eating… anything that sounds weird doesn’t usually make it into my mouth. Just sayin…
How was your weigh-in this week? Any celebrations to share?