For the past three weeks, I’ve been getting back into yoga. I’ve been to three Saturday classes, one Sunday class, and two Candlelight yoga classes (LOVE!)
All in all, I feel like I want yoga to continue to be a part of my lifestyle. I feel my body appreciating it… and even in soreness (like today) I feel that it’s such a good thing for me. During yesterday’s class, we worked on the 2nd Chakra – Svadhisthana. Svadhisthana is all about creativity and vitaility. Its location is within the hips… so, when your yoga instructor is working on this chakra, expect to be opening up those hips.
I’m not the most flexible person right now, so hip-opening exercises are a bit of a challenge. Susie, my instructor, is fantastic though. She always has good post-class stretches she recommends, and in the end, I do feel my hips opening up more. I have to remind myself of this today as my body aches in bizarre places along this region.
Now, I couldn’t just jump into my funny story without first expressing my appreciation for yoga and what it brings to me… but when something’s funny. It just is, and I can’t help but laugh.
Susie mentioned as we were getting started with class that sometimes opening the hips can release emotion: anger, pain, giddiness, frustration, tears. She said not to be alarmed if this happened. In my situation, there were both laughter and tears… and I’m not sure I can blame my hips.
One of my new friends that goes to yoga with me is super funny. She’s got a great sense of humor and is ready to create laughs when something curious rolls around. We were doing a twist of some sort… when out of NO WHERE, she falls to the ground.
We’d joked about losing balance and goofing off before… but as you can imagine, when I look over to see her amusingly surprised face, we end up in a fit of giggles. Literally giggling and unable to stop. Tears streaming down my face as I’m trying to hold a lunge position. You know, you try to be quiet… but it’s nearly impossible when things are this funny.
Then… we finally get our composure again, and then… yes, it happened. Thank goodness it was not coming from either of us.
A lady on the other side of the room FARTED REALLY LOUD, and that was all my 5-year-old self could handle. I tried so hard not to laugh more.
I tried to focus on my to do list… even said to myself “think depressing thoughts…” I was desperate for anything that would stop the giggles. Nope. It was impossible.
So, I laid in savasana at the end of the class. While everyone else was silent and meditating, I was cracking up.
You know, I couldn’t really help it… my hips were opening afterall… 🙂
Ever get the giggles in yoga?
[…] Ones Where I Crack Myself Up: Interesting that both have to do with fart noises, but re-reading Yoga Laughs and the story about The Faux Fart cracked me up […]