I’ve already shared my Rachel Hollis story that started out with my skipping a trip to the gym, and then bolting to the theater on a whim. To catch up on the story, be sure to read this post and this post.
There was so much that I reflected upon during that 90-minute documentary a few weeks back. I kept my phone on the entire time (to take notes!) I moved my seat when I was distracted by neighbors. I hugged a stranger in a movie theater after it was over. This night was something else.
After “meeting” Rachel Hollis that night, I’ve been consuming quite a bit of materials from her ever since. I’ve listened to most of her Girl, Wash Your Face audiobook (loving it!) and I’ve even listened to a bit of her podcast (also great!) I’ve wanted to keep this momentum and inspiration flowing… as it was so powerful that night. Some topics resonate with me, some topics might be better for friends that I know. The stuff that I’ve held onto, I believe could be life-changing.
Considering that I took all these notes, I want to share a little bit of it with you all. After all, we ALL could use a little inspo every once in a while. If you come here to NTTC on a regular basis to read my words, I can’t hold back these powerful messages from you. They’re really for all of us. Without further ado, here is my interpretation and thoughts on the most powerful takeaways of the evening. Enjoy!
Same You, New Mood – Everyone has those moments where we sort of snap. I know I certainly do. Where if we’re not REALLY careful, we can spiral into a dark, sad place. It may be temporary, but why do it to begin with? Rachel mentioned this concept of “same you, new mood” and shared how powerful it can be to flip your mood. She encouraged her audience to store a “Same You, New Mood” playlist on your phone of all those songs that you love. You know, the ones that when you hear them… you can’t help but smile. Your toe taps, your hips shake, and the corners of your mouth move upward. More on my efforts to create a Same You, New Mood playlist coming to the blog soon.
The Crappy Hard Things You Have in Your Life are a Result of Not Doing Something About It. Ouch. That one stings a little, but it’s incredibly true. If your job is making you unhappy, why are you not looking for a new one? If you’re in a unsatisfying relationship, why are you not working to make it better? If you’re not happy with your physical appearance, what are you doing to change it or to change the way you feel about it? This one is a big ol’ truth-burger, served up on a silver platter and it DEFINITELY got me thinking about the things in my life I believe to be lacking or not satisfying, and a big ol’ mirror popped up. The only one who can cause change is that girl staring back at me.
If you are not taking care of your physical body, you will never become the person you want to be. Let’s say that again: If you are not taking care of your physical body, you will never become the person you want to be. Wow, that one speaks volumes as well. I’ve always heard the most successful people on the planet treat their bodies like a temple, like a sacred shrine. They have morning routine – – they goal set before the day starts; they meditate. They eat specifically to fuel their body; they love their body. They work out (not only to stay healthy, but to fuel their spirit.) They exercise discipline in this world. I know that there is so much more that I want to achieve in my next 40 years, and it’s HIGH TIME I start treating my body and mind well so that it can carry me well to the end. I’ve always struggled a bit with discipline, giving up before I hit the finish line. It’s not something I’m incredibly proud of, and something applicable to many different aspects of my life.
You have time. You’re just spending it doing something else. Yep, that one is a huge one for me as well. As a single girl with no kids, there is absolutely no reason I don’t have time to do the things that are on my personal development list. I can kill an hour on Instagram super easily… but for some reason, it’s just too tricky to get to the gym (or too cold, too hot, too rainy, too crowded, too gym-like…) and that laundry that’s been lying around? It doesn’t stand a chance against all of the distractions. Starting whatever it is you are putting off, gets it done sooner. Time should never be an excuse.
If you have something you can’t stop thinking about, that is the universe telling you to chase your dream. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this message, which tells me the universe is REALLY wanting me to pay attention. The first time I heard it was in Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic where she talked about not acting on a book idea and having the VERY SAME book idea manifest elsewhere. Seriously, if the universe is talking, it’s trying to tell you something… something that you should be doing. Something that you should know. And, you guys…. I’m listening. Are you?
You can only chase one thing at a time. Go after that one thing whole-heartedly and with EXCEPTIONAL effort. Start small by dedicating one hour each day to your goal. Just one hour (you have that) and when one hour isn’t enough, add another.
Success is spending time doing what you want MOST, not what you want NOW. If you really want to write a book, why are you spending hours watching Vanderpump Rules? Sure that Stassi is fun to watch on the screen, but if your goal is to write a book, wouldn’t it help to start typing away? Rachel encourages you to consider how quickly your dreams can become a reality when you focus on what you want the MOST and not the NOW. Since I heard this, I’ve had many pauses around what I want most v. now… this is a powerful lesson and one to tap into.
You were put on this earth to do more than this. SHOW UP.
You did not come this far to only come this far.
This is literally just a smidge of the real talk wisdom this lady delivers. If you are looking to be inspired in a very real, very tactical way, I highly recommend you start with the Rachel Hollis podcasts. The message is strong, and it will get you started.
At the risk of sounding EXTREMELY cheesy (and knowing that I don’t really care how this sounds), this is the kind of mentality that could TRULY change your life for the better. Remind me what exactly we’re waiting for?