No… not that F Word. I’m talking about another F word.
The one that I’ve heard people have used for years to talk about their weight, your weight, my weight, other people’s weight… and it is one of my least words on the planet.
In my life, I never use the word FAT to describe myself. I won’t deny being overweight, but don’t call me fat. I certainly won’t.
The word fat to me is a childish slur. A playground word. Reserved for children, who have a limited vocabulary and a lesser capacity to understand the complexity of weight gain. To be clear, I never got teased by other kids at school about my weight, but I remember the kids that were called fat… how their faces would crumble and how the bullies loved to use that three-letter-word like a weapon.
Maybe that’s where my disdain for the word comes from…
Used by adults, I find it to be derogatory. “You’re FAT.” “She’s FAT.” It is often used in a way that is insulting, as part of words of an argument or to seize power in a situation. When there’s true care and concern around a conversation about someone’s weight, you’re talking about health, mobility, and using kindness. Keep that in mind next time you want to speak with someone about their weight. Calling someone fat will get you no where.
Perhaps the WORST use of this crappy F word is when I hear people use it to describe themselves. “I’m so fat.” “Gosh, I’m getting so fat.” If you’re a friend of mine and have said this in front of me, you probably saw my smile fade. Or heard me say “Hey, stop talking bad about my friend!”
For future reference, you are not fat.
I absolutely know that not everyone feels great about their body image every single day. I get it. I mean have you read this blog? What I also know is that the words we use and the way we describe ourselves either help us or harm us every single day. Words possess energy… choose ones that serve the body you have, not break you down.
And, if you’re going to use an F Word… use one of my favorites, not that stupid F-A-T word.