Do you ever just feel happy?
Do you find yourself smiling extra wondering what fabulous things are going to happen next? And wake up grateful for the day that lies ahead?
That’s how I’ve felt for the past month.
Every. Damn. Day.
I’d like to say that something changed. That I’d found a new outlook or found a new man (seriously, he must be wandering aimlessly at this point 🙂) or had a bright new opportunity that brought a smile to my face.
Something MUST have triggered the happy. There must be a hidden reason… NOPE.
I am just 100%, prime-time, unabashedly and completely HAPPY!
This past month has been a whirlwind… and, frankly, I’m exhausted… with a freakin’ smile on my face.
For the past few years, I’ve been struggling with being happy. Wanting it with all of my soul… wanting to be so incredibly satisfied with every aspect of my life… all the while, falling short in my own expectations.
I’ve been working to improve myself, working to change my weight (which I most certainly did!), and kept thinking if I just kept going…. If I just worked a little harder, that happiness would show up…. and, there were times when I thought it just wasn’t in the cards for me. That maybe I was going to live my life slightly disappointed, never feelIng that ultimate sense of happy. Listening to Anna Nalick’s Shine on repeat… hoping that at some point I would “stop following misery’s lead…”
Now, and in this moment, I can 100% say… that I am on the road to having it all. That I love everything that’s going on right now, and that me and my happy are going to create some fabulousness in days, months, and years to come! Of this, I am 100% certain!
I am a believer in the Law of Attraction. (Wait… don’t click elsewhere! This is important!) Everyone has their belief system, and this one has just resonated with me for years. What it means is that I put my desires out to the universe (some call this prayer) and I wholeheartedly expect them to come back to me in the form I’ve requested or in a state that is even better than I could have ever imagined… We all have goals, desires, passions that we wish to achieve. This is just my way of making them all come true.
Per this law and the power of this beautiful world we live within, I know that my happiness is attracting other happy things in my life…. I’m seeing it every day. Frankly, it’s all around me. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE, after all….
Whether it was that night a few weeks back when I had an opportunity to hear Lionel Ritchie at Red Rocks (yes, that happened!)
The fact that I won a HUGE contest at work last week.
I still need to tell y’all about this!
Or that I’ve got to spend a lot of time lately with some of my favorite people…
Race re-caps coming soon!
All of this is a result of my renewed attitude and is generating even more fabulous things in my life.
I’m finding myself surrounded by people that smile more often than ever before… by people that share interests who are sincerely warm, kind, and good-natured… and by people that make me laugh and be ever-so-grateful for this life that I’m living.
I usually write about weight loss on Mondays, but today, folks… this topic seemed more important. Everyone needs an effervescently happy post on Monday, right?
In the end, I definitely feel like a room without a roof… and I absolutely know that happiness is the truth.
I can’t help it. I won’t apologize. And, gosh… I hope you all are too! xoxo
What makes you happy?