It’s a weird year that I don’t have a bunch of trips peppered on my calendar by this time. I even had a co-worker stop by and tell me that they are “disappointed by” my calendar… it’s that empty!
Right now, there’s only one trip that’s really set in stone, and it’s that one trip that I take every year that I can’t possibly miss out on…
This year, I wanted to make sure that I talked about the event early enough that you guys could consider attending. It’s that good.
So, what is Fitbloggin?
The Fitbloggin conference is hosted by the amazing Roni Noone and is held annual to celebrate men and women committed to fitness, healthy living, and blogging. Roni is a phenomenal woman, who has not only lost weight and changed her life, but she runs an incredible brand and multiple websites including Roni’s Weigh and Green Lite Bites. Roni and her mighty support team host this year annually and has created this open community of such incredible men and women.
I heard about Fitbloggin for the first time while reading Kenlie‘s blog. Her comments really painted a picture of a family of people with common interests, a learning session, and a wonderfully life-changing experience.
With Kenlie’s recommendation and nudges from my dear blogger friend Hilary, I made plans to attend! I also had the chance to meet the lovely Ashley, Dawn, and Lauren in person for the first time, marking the beginning of such wonderful friendships. Having just lost the bulk of my weight, I can’t even begin to tell you how wonderful it was to be around like-minded people, folks that blogged their journeys just like me, and people that were succeeding and (at times) struggling, just like me.
I’ve written many recaps of my experiences at Fitbloggin over the years. You can read all about them below.
McCormick I Heart You (2012)
WOW: Fitbloggin Workouts (2012)
What I Really Brought Home from Fitbloggin (2012)
Five Days of Fitbloggin Posts (2012)
Fitbloggin Secret Santa Reunion (2012)
Fitbloggin 2013: Expectations, Travel and the Doughnuts (2013)
WOW: Fitbloggin Fitspiration (2013)
Fitbloggin: The Newness of It All (2013)
Fitbloggin: The Blogs and the People You Should Meet (2013)
Fitbloggin Holiday Brunch (2013)
So… why am I talking about Fitbloggin again? Well, if you are a blogger, and have means to attend… I really think you should join us in Savannah on June 26-29. Attending Fitbloggin has really helped me take my blogging to the next level and has helped me to navigate through the crazy process of losing weight. I come home every year with a renewed focus, introduction to new brands I love, and with fresh bonds with the most amazing people.
Let’s Talk for a Second about These People… Here’s a small glimpse at some of the wonderful bloggers I met in 2013..
And, there are so many more not pictured above… To me, there is nothing more wonderful than being able to send a quick email to my girl Monica to discuss our passion and what we’re doing to get there, to be able to count on the lovely Emily for fashion advice when I need it, to be able to applaud and support (another) Emily for her blogger bravery as she posts her vlogs about overeaters anonymous, and to cheer on Alan‘s amazing feats as he completes his first triathalon. Let’s not forget being able to meet Hilary and Dawn’s beautiful baby girls last winter…
While I may have interacted with these amazing bloggers even if I hadn’t met them, the fact that I met them at one of the most impactful events I attend yearly makes the moments that much more spectacular. These are my people, and I’m so excited to see them this summer in Savannah.
If you are looking to grow your healthy living blog… Consider attending Fitbloggin.
If you are looking to learn more about the business of blogging… Register for Fitbloggin.
If you are ready to meet the most fantastic people who have overcome the very same challenges you are working toward… For pete’s sake, come to Fitbloggin!
To register for the event, click here… and tell Roni that No Thanks to Cake sent ya!
Are YOU coming to Fitbloggin this year??