It’s been a long time since I’ve featured Workout Wednesdays, and I haven’t mentioned it on here yet…. but my job has changed again. Remember when I told you I no longer had that dreadful commute? Well, it’s back.
With the return of the commute, I’m really having to convince myself EVERY SINGLE DAY to get to the gym. Add in a dash of single-digit weather… and my workout schedule has slipped significantly.
Yesterday, when I finally convinced myself to hit the gym, I took with me a stack of magazines. When I read through magazines, I feel like I’m cleaning up my coffee table, motivating myself, AND getting a workout in. Woo hoo!
I had a copy of Real Simple magazine on the treadmill… and I ran across an article that REALLY resonated with me, that I thought I would share with you.
It was called the Workout Whisperer… GENIUS! I need a workout whisperer!!!!!
This article features ways to overcome the most common obstacles associated with hitting the gym. I’m going to feature two that I struggle with most, but I encourage you to read the full article in Real Simple if you’re struggling with any of the others!
“I don’t have the time”
I seem to think about this one on my commute home every day. I think of all the things I need to do at the house, and how I want to go to bed early. Quickly, I begin talking myself out of working out.
In reality, it doesn’t take much time. “Too many people think that unless they go to the gym seven days a week for an hour a day, they’re not doing anything. That’s not the case… You just need a small pocket of time, which most people can find in a day or a week if they look for it.”
The article recommends you simply use your time wisely! Consider interval training… short bursts of exercise reap great results! Another great option is to choose a machine where you have to move the majority of your weight yourself (i.e. stepmill or a challenging incline on the treadmill)
It’s too cold/hot/rainy/snowy
It’s January in Colorado… and this is one of my favorite excuses right now. I say that as I type this post covered in a blanket and positioned in front of the fireplace. It’s COLD here right now!
Here’s what the author recommends: “To get over a little personal discomfort, you need a truly powerful motivator.”
He also suggests that you write down the REAL REASONS behind your desire to exercise. Not those simple cosmetic reasons we want to hit the gym, but the real deal reasons. “You need reasons that are so compelling that you don’t second-guess yourself when it’s time to exercise.” The article also encourages you to post those reasons on your nightstand, mirrors, and computers for reminder and added inspiration!
I’m going to work a little harder at BOTH of these excuses. I know they are JUST THAT! The article also details the following excuses:
I’m not seeing results
I’m excruciatingly bored
My workout buddy dropped out
Check out the full article in the February issue of Real Simple for tips on how to overcome them!
Question: What’s keeping YOU from the gym these days??