It’s been FOREVER since I’ve done FMM. When I used to have my old job, I’d do FMM on Sunday nights at like midnight after Kenlie posted the topic. Crazy, right?
Now that I’m a girl that needs to wake up by 5am, this is an impossibility. Tonight, in tribute to one of my favorite bloggers and one of my favorite topics, I decided to complete the FMM.
Here’s how it works: Bloggers from all over the country visit Kenlie’s blog All the Weigh and copy the week’s topic/questions. They paste it into their blogs and then link back to Kenlie’s page. It’s a great way to meet other bloggers and get a little exposure out there for your blog.
PS.. Considering the post I have lined up for you guys tomorrow morning, I don’t know how much exposure I really want! 🙂 You’ll have to stop by to see why I say that…
Tech Questions
1. PC or Mac? I use both. I use a PC for work, and I have a Macbook at home. Funny story, I bought this MacBook about 5 years ago because I was going to learn how to design websites. If you would have told me I’d become a blogger I would have laughed.
Also, I love having a Mac because it’s a different experience. My Mac is my “play” computer. My PC is my “work” computer. The different OS makes it feel different. And, the fact that it’s white.
2. When did you get your first computer? I remember playing on a Commodore 64 when I was a kid. Loved that thing! But, when I was out of college (likely 2000), I got my first computer. It was a fancy Compaq desktop and I was so excited!
3. Do you use cable, DSL or something else? I have internet through Comcast, but I also have a Jetpack that gives me wireless internet access wherever I am!
4. When choosing a laptop, do you think it’s more important to choose the fastest one, or the lightest one? I think function is most important. I mean, I don’t want a 20 lb laptop, but I’m more concerned about what it is able to do rather than the weight… I’d say the same for humans, really. 🙂
5. What kind of cell phone do you own? I work in Wireless, so I’m constantly switching up my device. Right now, I’m in a Samsung Galaxy S3 and I LOVE it. Honestly, I love everything about it… right down to it’s cute new sea green case. Seriously.
6. How do you carry your laptop when you travel? I travel with my laptop in a laptop roller bag. I always thought these were geeky. Um, they’re INCREDIBLY functional and easy to get through the airport. I love it. I also love it for those trips where I need my iPad, my PC, and my Macbook. It makes it so much easier to travel!!!
7. How many e-mails do you send on an average day? I’d say about 30 on a busy day? Totally guessing….
8. Do you ever blog using your iPad or similar tablet? I don’t. I have trouble with the touch keyboard. I’m considering ordering a keyboard case for my iPad to take to Fitbloggin later next month. I really don’t want to take too much gear to each session and feel like that might be the best solution. With a keyboard, my tablet will become a laptop replacement.
9. What do you use more often – a desktop or a laptop? Laptop. I don’t have desktops anymore.
10. As a blogger, are there other gadgets that you need to get the job done? If so, what are they? My cameras are huge. I also take a lot of pictures on my phone, and I keep blog lists on my phone. Things I want to write about… things I need to mention to you. All that important stuff!
Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions on your blog! Swing by Kenlie’s blog to get all the official instructions!