For the past several months, I have been in training for a 5K. I even declared I would be running a 5K on my resolutions list for the year… and so far, I’ve kept all of my resolutions!
I had these visions of how cool it would be to be a runner. Wow… I think of all these other bloggers that run their little hearts out and how much they love it. I mean, I could love it like that too, right? I mean, Lynne loves it so much that she can’t wait to begin again. And, Monica? She just traveled across the country to run in a relay. I seriously could go on for days about how many Healthy Living Bloggers are running up a storm.
I also have a ton of real-life friends who love it. They claim to find it relaxing and freeing. My friend Natalie loves to kill it on the treadmill; Donna‘s run a half. I even have a friend training for an Ironman right now. I mean, Mel is uh-mazing… and she’s totally going to do it.
I’m surrounded by runners!
So, considering all that contact with fast-moving folks, why am I just not into it?
I’m FOUR days away from Jodi’s Race for Awareness… and I don’t feel ready at all. Mentally or physically. The biggest issue I have is that I haven’t figured out my breathing. The crazy part is that my legs are good. No knee issues, my ankles don’t complain. My breathing, on the other hand, gets strained really quickly and then I get nervous. I push as long as I can, but often find myself walking after a period of about 5 minutes.
Knowing my physical limitations, I’m pretty sure that I am going to be doing some walking on Saturday. In my head, I’m also thinking that I might be HIGHLY motivated by the crowd and inspired by the energy at the park. I’m hoping that’s the case. Sincerely hoping that’s the case.
I’m not very good at failure. And, I’m HORRIBLE at hearing other people comment on my failure (i.e. “Didn’t you say you were going to run this? Wasn’t this your idea?”) Now, I’m going to try EVERYTHING in my person to make sure that I’m successful with this run… but I’m just putting it out there as a warning: There may be a little walking.
When I think about Jodi’s Race year over year… there’s so much to be excited about.
- My friend Bev is cancer-free!!!!!
- I’m down about 25 lbs since the last race.
- I’m in MUCH better physical shape this year.
- I would have NEVER even considered running this 5K a year and a half ago.
- Did I mention my friend Bev is cancer-free??