Next week was supposed to be a week in Idaho for me.
Well, attention-hogging Utah has once again pulled me in. And, it looks like I’ll be spending next week here as well.
For those who don’t know, that makes FOUR weeks in a row in Salt Lake City. FIVE of the past SIX weeks, all in Utah.
I’m hoping that by the end of next week, they’ll make me the state mascot or perhaps decide my favorite perfume should be the state fragrance. I’ll need to mention that to the governor tomorrow… brilliant idea.
I must say, the Marriott is taking excellent care of me. Extra foam pillows and towels in my room when I check in. Most importantly, the ladies in the concierge lounge are keeping my delicious JC food in their freezer so that dinner is on plan! They’ve also had GREAT veggie plates this week that I’ve monopolized. Trays of cucumbers, tomatoes, and cauliflower quickly ending up in mah belly!
I do miss this guy though… desperately.
It looks like it misses me too, I think… |
Under that comforter and the most super-comfortable jersey sheets ever is a Denver Mattress – – The Madison that I absolutely adore.
They say consistently getting a good night’s sleep can HELP us lose weight. Maybe if I could get back into this bed at some point those LBs would be dropping again. Hmmm…
Maybe Friday night, I’ll lose 2 extra pounds when I get back into my own bed… I mean, it COULD happen.
Sweet dreams, my friends, wherever you might be sleeping tonight. May you be well-rested to face the day tomorrow. It’s going to be an amazing one, afterall… you need your rest.