Besides the pure fact that it’s FRIDAY there is sure a lot of new things that I’m loving… so, I thought it would be fun to share a few of them with you guys.
Concert Anticipation
I just got tickets in the mail and it’s official… I’m going to see Maroon 5! Wait… what the heck??? I’m going to see KELLY CLARKSON, who is touring with Maroon 5. Shame on those boys for not including my girl on the tickets… but I know who’s REALLY performing and I can’t wait to see her!
Trying on Bathing Suits this Week
When I used to try on bathing suits, it felt a little bit more like this….
But now, it’s sort of fun. To prepare for an upcoming trip, I’ve been trying to find a new suit to add to my mix. I’ve tried some on at JCP, Victoria’s Secret, and today I hit the jackpot at Target. They have such cute suits right now…
Here’s the crazy part… I didn’t buy any that were BLACK. Yes, it’s still me, Kelly. Unbelievable right?? Here’s the stock images from
They’re both still one pieces (of course!) and they don’t look that exciting all flat and on strangers, but I promise they rock! If you’re looking for new suits, check out your local Target.
And… if I can just say it, it’s AWESOME to not be disgusted by bathing suit shopping. So awesome. Don’t get me wrong, I still see the wobbly bits staring back in the mirror, but I am not planning camouflage strategies anymore… it’s going to be ok. 🙂
This Little Beauty
I FINALLY upgraded my very tired, exhausted, slow and frustrated MacBook with this super beautiful MacBook Pro. I am BEYOND excited to have a computer that moves at FAST speeds again…
Considering how much time I spend every week blogging, editing photos, etc… I needed this. And, even vow to back it up a little more effectively than I did the last!
A Gorgeous Accessory
No food on the list today, I’m just loving little things today… including this amazing bag.
My grandma has been gone three years this May. To say I adored her was an understatement. I had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with my Gram when I was young, since we lived across the street from one another. When she passed away, my aunt gave all the girl cousins a chance to help themselves to some of her fine accessories (which was TOTALLY up my alley.) I snagged this pretty, pretty beaded bag… I know she had to be fabulous carrying it back in the day. I’ve decided to use it as my handbag for Nat’s wedding in two weeks. Something old, something new applies to the guests too, right?
Also… as a bonus, I opened the bag to find a few extra treasures I had stashed and forgotten about. Priceless costume jewelry from my Gram’s nights on the town. Excited to get to wearing this cuteness!
A New Book for Vacation
Sophie Kinsella just released her latest novel Wedding Night this week. While I’m so eager to dive in and read every bit of it, I’m WAITING to read it at Montelucia. There’s nothing like reading a good book poolside, with a cocktail in hand. One more week!
What are you loving these days??