Last year, I offered an special post on 11/11/11. Seeing as 12/12/12 marks the last of these cool dates, I couldn’t resist offering another random post to celebrate this special day. We will resume with normal programming tomorrow, including a special Workout Wednesday Thursday!
As for my 12.12.12 post, I’ve decided to use it to share 12 random things you don’t know about me… since that was a request from the recent Blogtastic Blogiversary Survey.
1. My grandfather’s birthday is 12/12/12. He’s 88 this year and was born on 12/12/24. Yeah… that’s super-cool, and he is too!
2. I collect yarn. I’m a knitter, but I don’t knit very often because there’s just too many other things to do. For some reason, I keep buying it though, thinking it will inspire me to pick up some needles. Instead, they just fill my spare closet.
I’m making something REALLY fun right now… but it’s a gift for someone that I’m pretty sure reads NTTC. It’s so pretty, and I’ll show you later!
3. I get bored with online dating pretty quickly, but know that it’s a great way to meet people. I’m planning to get back on there and to meet Mr. Wonderful in 2013.
4. I’ve toured Graceland no less than 6 times. Be jealous!
5. My new phone doesn’t have Instagram available for it, and it drives me bananas. I absolutely love the phone and want to keep it forever…. if they get an Instagram app.
6. I take horrible care of my skin, but am lucky that it participates well. I have a very simple regimen, but for my age, I should be doing creams and whatnot… but I’m lazy.
7. I was a Spanish major in college, and started learning the language when I was in the 6th grade. Even after 10 years of taking classes, I’m shy about speaking it. If you are learning a language, travel to the country and immerse yourself in the culture and the language. It makes a HUGE difference.
Exhibit A: My friend Angela who was in all my Spanish classes in college. She’s quite fluent.
8. One of my friends has agreed recently to be my accountability partner… and we’re each going to hold each other accountable to completing our task lists that get things done that matter to us. I’m excited about this… as keeping your commitment to yourself is how you make dreams come true.
9. I really want to do an Eat Pray Love trip one day… and I often think about just taking off to Europe to follow in Elizabeth Gilbert’s footsteps. And, I think I’d be just fine over there by myself… soaking it in, and eating all that gelato.
10. I have a very strong political opinion that I almost included as item #10; however, I’m very choosy about what I include here and what conversation I generate… so I’ll keep it to myself. At the same time, I like to think that each of you agrees, so I probably don’t even need to mention it. #nottrue
11. I have so many amazing friends that live in so many different places across the US. I consider that to be WAY too far from me and I think about this often, wondering how I can get them to live here in Colorado with me. Winning the Powerball is part of that strategy.
12. I’m planning to get a tattoo on 11/01/13 with someone pictured above. Seriously. (Oh, and it’s not something I’m sharing details of yet, you’ll hear more later.) Yes, I hope that special person is Ryan Gosling, too….