I got more fun blogger news today!
I’ve been nominated by Skinny Scoop
for their “Best Weight Loss Blog” award!
For this nomination, I can “win” by having the most votes (AKA ‘Likes’). Click on the image above to vote… thanks in advance!!!
In honor of such a fun blog-related week with this new fun nomination + Fitbloggin’, I felt like I just had to complete All the Weigh’s FMM this week! Such a fun topic for all of us going to Fitbloggin’. Thanks, Kenlie!!!
Blog Stuff
1. Have you ever met anyone through your blog that led to an in-person friendship/relationship? I actually haven’t met anyone through my blog yet… but I am going to meet a lot of folks this week at Fitbloggin’! Including Kenlie at All the Weigh, Hilary at the Big Weight, Gina from Skinnytaste and Ashley at Coffee Cake and Cardio.
2. Most bloggers have a specific niche. What would you discuss if it didn’t seem inappropriate on your blog? I’d like to talk more about my spiritual beliefs. I’m a pretty spiritual chick… and a little bit of that seeps into my blog, but I’d love to write more about how I’m inspired. I hesitate because it’s outside of my niche, and I really don’t want to impose my beliefs on others… not my style.
3. If you could meet three bloggers, who would they be? I will actually have a chance to meet most of my faves this week! Outside of my Fitbloggin folks, I’d like to meet Cely from Running off the Reese’s. She is literally one of the funniest people I’ve ever read. CRACKS. ME. UP. Yes, she’s snarky… and I would have to work to keep up… but that lady rocks!
4. If you had to choose between Facebook or Twitter which one would you choose? I really enjoy them both. I’ve become pretty fond of Twitter as of late… but I get to post more pics on FB. Don’t make me decide!
5. Do you vlog (video blog?) I’ve only done one, and it was just a few weeks ago. Click here to see it, if you’re interested… I’m learning video editing at work, so who knows… maybe I’ll vlog more in the future!
6. How many blogs do you read on an average day? I read quite a few… maybe 10 a day. I find that my blog reader makes it easy for me to catch up if I get behind, so I make it work!
7. What is the coolest thing that you’ve seen online recently? Hmmm…. that’s a tough one. Maybe the recipe for the cake I show you below??
8. If you gave your blog a new name what would it be? Right now, I have no good ideas… I kind of like my name and it’s easy to remember. The only thing that I don’t like about it is people think at times that I’m anti-cake. That is clearly not the case based upon this recent concoction.
9. Have you ever attended a blog conference like Fitbloggin? If not, would you? Fitbloggin’ will be my first! A little nervous (truth be told), but I’m so excited to meet folks and to LEARN….
10. In the past I have asked why you blog. Now I want to know why you read blogs? What do you take from it? I learn SO much from so many people that I read. I gain inspiration. I’m honored that so many people let me into their lives via this unique medium.
If you’re interested in completing FMM this week, click on Kenlie’s blog All the Weigh for all the details.