This morning, I got a wake up call that I didn’t really expect. A phone call that no one wants to get at 3:59am.
After some brief laptop work, I decided that since I was up I should probably hit the workout room here at the hotel. While there are a lot of people who work out in the mornings, I am not one of those people. I like to wake up naturally… and not be stunned by sweat and loud music from my iPod.
When I got downstairs there were plenty of people and just one treadmill available for my use. I remember that treadmill… it’s where the infamous workout injury took place. I’m starting to think this workout room is just plain dangerous. Monday night, I was flung from the treadmill… sort of like a slingshot I flew, to the ground. AWESOME. (Not awesome at all.)
I’m still trying to get myself in shape for the 5K in June, so I decided I would do a short workout this morning from a time commitment yet high intensity. Couch to 5K was my workout of choice.
Keep in mind, this is where I’m running. |