It’s Halloween Eve! If you’re celebrating, I hope you have your costume details prepared and your candy purchased!
I’m not a big Halloween girl, myself… but I do love passing out candy to those cute little kiddos! When I went to weigh-in yesterday, my Jenny Craig center had a list of great tips that they were sharing that I thought might be good for all!
Halloween Treats without the Trick by Jenny Craig
- BUY YOUR LEAST FAVORITE CANDY – – This is something I totally do. I buy things I can resist. For me, that’s definitely Hot Tamales, Almond Joy, Bottle Caps, Smarties, and some Twizzlers. Now, I love Smarties and Twizzlers, but I know that I’ll give them away and not eat them. Too bad I don’t not like Reese’s Cups or Milky Ways… I guess at my house, you get the lame candy. Sorry, kids, but I’ll give you a LOT!
- START A TRADITION WITH YOUR KIDS, AND DONATE THE STASH OF CANDY TO A LOCAL SHELTER – – Wow. You have to let me know if you’re able to pull this one off. I can almost hear the whining, but it’s a GREAT idea!
- CHEW SUGARLESS GUM TO OVERCOME THE URGE FOR SWEET TREATS – – Brilliant! They have so many sugarfree gums out there that taste like candy – – I recommend the Extra Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream flavor. Yum-O.
- FOCUS ON THE FUN, NOT THE CANDY – – Carve pumpkins, put up decorations, or go to a haunted house! You can be festive without eating the candy!
- WAIT TO OPEN THE BAG OF CANDY UNTIL THE FIRST TRICK-OR-TREATER KNOCKS – – If no one knocks, take it back to the store tomorrow!
- POP IN A MOVIE AND ENJOY A LOW-CAL SNACK WHILE WAITING FOR TRICK-OR-TREATERS – – A fun Halloween themed one always works well. Maybe Hocus Pocus (I may have watched it last night!)
- EAT REGULAR MEALS. YOU DON’T WANT TO BE HUNGRY WHILE GIVING OUT CANDY – – Eat throughout the day + keep a bag of veggies you LIKE close by. For me, that’s cucumbers and colored peppers or maybe some beet chips!
- ENGAGE FRIENDS OR FAMILY IN AN EVENING WALK TO CHECK OUT THE JACK-O-LANTERNS – – Not a bad idea here, I might switch it up and offer to take the kiddos out for their trick-or-treating (or with friend who has kids!)
- KEEP YOUR HANDS AND MOUTH BUSY BY SIPPING ON A LOW CAL BEVERAGE – – How about Crystal Light, Diet Coke, or some hot tea?
- WEIGH THE PROS AND CONS OF INDULGING – – Think about what eating candy will mean to your week and to your weigh in. Can you balance your slight candy-eating with a workout? Also consider this… will you be able to stop at just one piece??
- If you eat 1 Nestle’s Crunch fun size bar – – Walking with trick-or-treaters for 30 minutes will burn it off, but considering the stop and go, plan for 60-90 minutes total.
- If you eat 2 Kit Kat miniatures – – Rake leaves for 40 minutes in exchange for the treat.
- If you eat 1 100 Grand fun size bar – – Burn them off by carving pumpkins for 50 minutes.
- If you eat 8 Sweet Tarts pieces – – Make them vanish by playing frisbee for 50 minutes
Use these tips to make it a successful night, and have fun!